
13th Queerfest completely banned

Following the ban on the documentary “Bellekvari”, which was planned to be screened as part of the festival, a ban was imposed on the entire festival

Mubi Fest canceled

“QUEER”, the opening film of the festival, was banned by the Kadıköy District Governorate because it ‘carries provocative content that could jeopardize public peace’. Mubi Turkey canceled the festival

Ban on the concerts of Kaldırım Müzik Topluluğu and Grup Munzur

Adana Governor’s Office banned the concert of Kaldırım Müzik Topluluğu and Grup Munzur on the grounds that “marginal groups were sharing provocative posts on social media platforms about the concert event” and they received a tip claiming that “members of these marginal groups were coming to Adana to stir up trouble”