13th Queerfest completely banned
Following the ban on the documentary “Bellekvari”, which was planned to be screened as part of the festival, a ban was imposed on the entire festival
Following the ban on the documentary “Bellekvari”, which was planned to be screened as part of the festival, a ban was imposed on the entire festival
“QUEER”, the opening film of the festival, was banned by the Kadıköy District Governorate because it ‘carries provocative content that could jeopardize public peace’. Mubi Turkey canceled the festival
Fatih District-Governorate banned Mesopotamia Cultural Centre’s “Tales of Khorasan” (Çîrokên Xorasanê) without any justification
The concert to be held after the “Tambour Workshop” by musicians Mikail Aslan and Cemil Qoçgiri in Dersim was banned
The concert to be held at Bostancı Show Center on 16 October 2021 for the 30th anniversary of the foundation of Mesopotamia Culture Center, was banned by Kadıköy District Governorship
Avesta Publishing House announced that the Kurdish talk they organized in Mardin and to which Mirza Metin was to attend, was prevented by the police due to the pandemic
Adana Governor’s Office banned the concert of Kaldırım Müzik Topluluğu and Grup Munzur on the grounds that “marginal groups were sharing provocative posts on social media platforms about the concert event” and they received a tip claiming that “members of these marginal groups were coming to Adana to stir up trouble”
Beyoğlu District Governorate banned Group Yorum’s internet concert
In the lawsuit filed for the annulment of the decision to ban the Kurdish play called “Bêrû”, the Governorate of Gaziosmanpaşa District defended the ban decision with in the letter that they sent
Judicial review measures in the form of a ban on leaving the country and reporting to the designated officials at certain times on charges of “insulting the signs of the state’s sovereignty” were imposed on two young people who were detained on the grounds that they “insulted the Turkish passport” in a humorous video they shot in TikTok