
Censorship of METU AFT exhibition

The exhibition of the Middle East Technical University (METU) Amateur Photography Society was “postponed” without justification a day before its opening, despite the necessary permissions being obtained beforehand

“Starting from the Middle” exhibition in Feshane was targeted

İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s exhibition in Artİstanbul Feshane, “Starting from the Middle” was targeted by a group of civilians claiming that the art on display was perversion and protested in front of the venue. The exhibition was closed until the crowd dispersed and was later reopened

“Pride” exhibition in Bosphorus University canceled by trustee rector

Boğaziçi University Photography Club received approval from the Inter-Clubs Committee to exhibit the “pride” exhibition of Ateş Alpar’s photographs on June 11, but the exhibition was blocked by the rector Melih Bulu. The Bosphorus Resistance account and the artist of the exhibition Ateş Alpar gave information on the subject from his social media accounts