According to the news article of Evrensel newspaper, a “Tambour Workshop” was held with musicians Mikail Aslan and Cemil Qoçgiri within the scope of “Autumn Events” organized by Dersim Municipality. However, the concert the musicians wanted to perform after the workshop at Seyit Rıza Square was banned. The grounds for the ban were claimed to be the funeral of a soldier who lost his life during the clashes on the Dersim-Erzincan border and the pandemic. Many in the concert area protested the ban together with musicians Mikail Aslan and Cemil Qoçgiri by singing kilam (poems cited by dengbejs – the Kurdish folk poets).
Concert to be held after music workshop banned in Dersim
The concert to be held after the “Tambour Workshop” by musicians Mikail Aslan and Cemil Qoçgiri in Dersim was banned