RTÜK revokes license of Açık Radyo

RTÜK Member İlhan Taşcı announces the revocation of Açık Radyo’s license

Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) Member İlhan Taşcı announced on his social media account that Açık Radyo’s license was revoked. Taşçı said that the reason for the revocation was that Açık Radyo did not comply with the 5-day program suspension imposed by the board on May 22 for “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” and continued its broadcasts. Taşçı stated that Açık Radyo had paid the fine and emphasized that this should be interpreted in favor of the broadcaster.

On April 24, RTÜK issued a ban on the commemoration of the “109th anniversary of the deportations and massacres of Armenians, the massacres that took place in the Ottoman lands, the massacres that are called genocide” in the Açık Gazete program on Açık Radyo. This year the commemoration was banned, you know”, the radio station was fined 189,282 TL at the upper limit and 5 program suspensions because the program “violated the provision of subparagraph (b) of the first paragraph of Article 8 of Law No. 6112: ‘It cannot incite the society to hatred and hostility or create feelings of hatred in the society by making distinctions based on race, language, religion, gender, class, region and sect'”. The decision also warned that if the violation is repeated within a year, the broadcast will be suspended for up to ten days and if it is repeated, Açık Radyo’s broadcast license will be revoked.