Raids on bookstores and language associations in Diyarbakır

Hundreds of books and magazines as well as hard disks were seized in raids on the bookstore Payîz Pirtûk, Anka Language and Art Education Cooperative and MED-DER

The Mesopotamia Language and Culture Research Association (MED-DER), the Anka Language and Art Education Cooperative, and the Payîz Pîrtuk bookstore were raided on the morning of September 24 as part of an investigation by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.

According to the Mesopotamia Agency, 409 books, 144 magazines, several issues of the newspapers Yeni Yaşam and Xwebûn, as well as letters from prison, were seized from the Payîz Pîrtuk bookstore, despite there being no confiscation order for these items.

Additionally, Kurdish language education books, magazines, and computer hard drives were taken from the Mesopotamia Language and Culture Research Association and the Anka Language and Art Education Cooperative. Many individuals were detained during the investigation.