“Dön-Dün-Bak” exhibition at Depo closed

The “Dön-Dün Bak: The History of the Trans Movement in Turkey” exhibition, originally scheduled to run until July 27th, was banned by the Beyoğlu District Governorate

The 10th Trans Pride Week Exhibition Collective’s exhibition, “Dön-Dün Bak: The History of the Trans Movement in Turkey,” was banned on Thursday, July 11, by a notification from the Beyoğlu District Governorate.

In the announcement shared on the social media account of Tütün Deposu, a part of Anadolu Kültür, the team stated, “We were forced to close the exhibition, which we had announced would be open to visitors until July 27, citing the notification as the reason. As the Depo team, we will appeal this ban through legal channels. We will keep the public updated on the developments in the judicial process in the coming days.”