Court of Appeal lifts ban on the play “Bêrû”

Kurdish play ban found against “freedom of thought and expression”

Gaziantep Regional Administrative Court ruled that the Şanlıurfa Governorate’s decision to ban Teatra Jiyana Nû’s play “Bêrûviolated “freedom of thought and expression”.

The play scheduled to be performed at Şanlıurfa Bar Association Tahir Elçi Conference Hall on November 14, 2020 was initially banned by the governorate. However, following a request for the ban’s cancellation, the Şanlıurfa 2nd Administrative Court rejected the request, citing a “threat to the unity and integrity of the state”. Subsequently, an application was made to Gaziantep Regional Administrative Court 4th Administrative Case Department, which evaluated the application. The court of appeal concluded that the ban infringed upon the “freedom of expression and thought” as guaranteed by the Constitution, and consequently lifted the ban.