Allegations of censorship on D&R shelves in Turkey

Cumhuriyet reporter Seyhan Avşar has written that she has heard rumors concerning the non-sale of her book titled Rezilsiniz (You Are A Disgrace) which discusses the abuse of children at Qur’an courses

Cumhuriyet reporter Seyhan Avşar has reported on her social media account that she has heard rumors that her book on the sexual abuse of children at Qur’an courses titled Rezilsiniz (You Are A Disgrace), is not being sold at D&R locations.

Avşar called out to authorized staff in her post which read: “Readers who have contacted me complain about the fact that my book titled REZİLSİNİZ (YOU ARE A DISGRACE) in which I elaborate the abuse of children at Qur’an courses is not being sold at D&R locations. Has my book been censored? Why is it not sold in stores? I expect you to enlighten the public. @DRdunyasi”

Having received no answer from D&R authorized staff, Avşar posted again shortly thereafter stating that she had been informed by her publisher that her book was in fact still being distributed to D&R locations and that she would continue to pursue the matter.